Archive for the ‘Meetings’ Category

Section picnic 2017

Friday, September 1st, 2017

Pictures from the 2017 section picnic

Early Series C Comet

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Spotted at a recent section meeting, this recently completed bike is a Series C Comet built in the third month of production, in 1949.  A previous owner had cut the tubes of the RFM, but it has been restored nicely by the current owner.

February 2013 Section Meeting

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

I know it’s been a while and I haven’t forgotten. Been busy… riding.

Here are some pictures from our last get together at my house on Feb the 2nd. There was a decent turnout and my friend Heather took some nice pictures so here they are:

Section Colors

 A shot of the Driveway / dining area, frenzy ensuing


Reverse Angle

from the other side to illustrate the proceedings

Tom Gross, James Salter, Jody Nicholas, and Peter Aish

a decent cross section of the Section membership

Tom, James, Jody & Peter

 BikeMike’s Bike

Pretty Picture!

Josh and Ed

No shortage of opinions!


Mike A, Derry & Dave from the back


 I will try not to be so elusive. More to come, ride to Ojai is tomorrow. The season begins!



January 2013 meeting

Friday, January 18th, 2013

Some pictures from a recent meeting.  Thanks to Rob and Marina for hosting.  Photos courtesy Jody Nicholas.



Rally in the Rockies Update

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

The Rally was a blast from this participants perspective. I had to leave prior to the end but not before taking a few rides around the area. Here are some photos. I will expound more on the Rally but I have a lot of updates to enter so for now take a look at the pix!!

Josh’s Outfit for the Rally

My Setup in Mancos

Bar Hodgson and his bike Gunga Din

Bar Hodgson and Gunga Din, his factory racer

Dennis Magri and his Vindian

Dennis and his Vindian

 Bob Ives, Mike A., Robert Rymer, Josh B., and David Marshal in Dolores Co.

The boys on a ride to Dolores, Co.

Bob Ives, Mike A., Robert Rymer, Josh B., and David Marshal in Dolores Co.


There were about 75-80 Vincents there from what I was told. I was able to take a ride with Robert Rymer and Bar Hodgson on Monday and with the guys above on Tuesday. Monday was a joyride through the mountains around Mancos. Tuesday we went to Dolores and saw Sam Manganaro’s VincentWorks shop as well as  Colorado Norton Works a few miles away. It was a beauty day and fun was had by all!


Rally in the Rockies Sept 3-7 2012

Sunday, August 26th, 2012

See the link for all pertinent information:




Rally 2012!

Venue information:

Echo Basin Ranch

43747 County Road M

Mancos, CO 81328



Annual Section Picnic 2012

Friday, August 17th, 2012

It was a gorgeous southern California afternoon and the picnic attracted a large gathering. A gathering that arrived enthused and left fulfilled without doubt. There were 10 Vincents on hand and Mitch Talcove won the Dick Busby Memorial Trophy this year with his 37 Comet, a bike that would be hard to ever beat for beauty. Here are some pictures that Side Car Suzy sent my way via Mike A.

Here’s a pan shot of Mitch presiding.

Mitch Holding Court

The Dick Busby Memorial Trophy

Dick Busby Memorial Trophy

A Panoramic  Shot of the 10 Bikes

Pan Shot of 10

Normal Shot


Mitch and Bill


It was a real blast! Great turnout.

Annual Picnic and Prince of Darkness Ride August 11,2012

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

The Annual Section Picnic starts at noon and is held at Chevron Park in El Segundo. Please RSVP with Bill Easter if you have not yet done so. See Julys K 17 for further info.


6PM at Glory 4659 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles just east of Vermont. Ride leaves at 7 and goes through Hollywood and over Mulholland  Dr. to Bob’s Big Boy in Toluca Lake

It will be a hot day in many respects. Shine em up!

Here’s another pic of Steve Batesole, the Rollie Free trophy winner from last year and his stock Shadow. Get that bike out of the shed. The trophy could be on your mantle!

Steve and his Shadow

July Section Meeting

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

Saturday at 6pm at section HQ. Contact Bill Easter or Josh B for further info

Mike Parti: Honorary SoCal Section Member

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Joining Marty Dickerson and the founders of the section Bob and Cathy Kountz. Mike has worked on over 200 engines over the years and he is still a vital go to man when one begins to try and unravel various dramas that may arise in relation to sorting one’s machine. His machining capabilities are superior to most and his history with the marque, from piloting a sidecar rig, to working side by side with Rollie Free, made the decision to bestow this honor on him all the easier.

Here is a picture of Mike receiving a small plaque to commemorate the event, his grasp was tight and his appreciation for the recognition remains high. I saw him last week and he mentioned that he is installing a shelf to display the plaque for all to see. He is a very proud but humble man and I was honored to share not only in our section organizer Mitch Talcove’s presentation, but the celebration as a whole.

A day I won’t soon forget. Mike is so generous with his time and knowledge. And he has a million stories too! Congratulations to Mike, for being recognized for his wealth of knowledge, and to the section for making a good decision to acknowledge a man who has spent countless hours getting to know the method to Vincent’s madness
